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Common Myths Your Patients are Learning from Google

We have all probably run across an article that was just too outlandish to be true. In the modern world, many of us know that anyone can say anything online and claim it to be fact. That being said, sometimes even the smartest or most internet-savvy members of society fall for an internet lie. Let’s take a look at some common myths your dental patients are learning from Google.

“How to Heal a Cavity”

There have probably been quite a few patients who have come in and told either your dental hygienists or dental assistants “I saw online that you can heal cavities with x method”. These types of articles treat cavities like regular wounds and claim they can be healed through specific herbal blends or care techniques.

People fall for this because they fail to realize that there is an incredibly small period of time in which cavities can be remineralized. Most cavities need to be filled to prevent spreading. These claims may make the cavity less visually apparent but do not heal the actual root issue, which can cause infections and further tooth damage if not caught early on. Dentists can help with stopping further damage but due to the nature of the cavity, the damage is usually not reversible after the corrective window has closed, resulting in the need for fillings and other similar treatments.

Gain a Child, Lose a Tooth

The old saying “gain a child, lose a tooth” is actually a bit of a half-truth. That being said, most people do not lose a tooth every time they have a child. Pregnancy can wreak havoc on your body in a lot of ways, including depleting your body of calcium but it will not pull calcium from your teeth. Babies get the nutrition they need from what you eat; if you are not eating enough calcium to start with, the low levels will simply be more apparent.

Being pregnant can cause tooth issues, though. A lot of pregnant women have morning sickness or severe acid reflux. If not treated, both of these issues can cause tooth erosion and enamel loss. Just be sure to practice good oral hygiene when pregnant and work to brush your teeth after you throw up and you should be fine. Dental hygienists and dental assistants can help you to learn more about preventing this loss of enamel during your regular checkup.

Flossing is Bad

There is a theory that has been shared around that flossing is actually detrimental to your overall oral health. While if done incorrectly or infrequently, it can cause your gums to bleed and be sensitive, flossing as a whole is not bad for you. Frankly, it is one of the best things you can do for your teeth!

Many people wrongly believe that flossing shoves particles of food and plaque deeper into the gums. In reality, floss cannot access that deeply, so the bigger food particles cannot either unless there are other underlying health issues at play. This is perhaps one of the most frustrating misconceptions dentists deal with, as flossing can truly help prevent a lot of oral health issues if done correctly.

Don’t Trust Everything You Read

Chances are, if you are on the internet, you will hear a lot of kooky things. It is always best to trust your dentist over these articles and work with them to solve any issues. Remember, dental professionals, are here to help and want your oral health to succeed! It is their job, after all.

If you are part of a dental practice and are looking to help your patients better understand their oral health, perhaps hiring someone specializing in dental patient relations could work in your favor.

Stynt offers access to a wide range of niche dental professional independent contractors and freelance workers who can help you to better communicate with your patients. For access to the Stynt Network, either sign up through the information sheet on the website or through the app. Sometimes, having a little extra help can make all the difference!


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